Funny Video First Day in Texas

texas memes

Y'all, these funny Texas memes are meant for fun, but sadly – as a lifelong Texan, many are an accurate picture of the state of our beloved state.

Texas forever, but that doesn't mean that we can't laugh at all of our wrongs, right? Us Texans are diehard.

Best Texas Memes

We love our state and no one can deny our passion for that. That said, things aren't looking so great here.

texas memes
funny texas memes about the lone star state

We have crazy Texas weather, a wacky Governor, our power grid can't stay online, an underfunded education system and that's just the start to the insanity that we have happening here. The only thing that I can do about some of these Texas problems is vote. But there is one trick I do have up my sleeve…

texas fans meme
hot texas meme – its so hot we installed fans outside

That's right, I can meme baby. This Texan loves her state and her memes, so here we go. Funny Texas memes about the #1 state to roast. Let's do this.

peewee herman texas meme
Peewee visits Texas meme

I hate to break it to you, but I guess someone needs to. If you have never been to Texas, we don't all own and ride horses. Heart breaking, I know. Also, we also don't all own cowboy boots. I know, another disappointing Texas fact.

what texas is like meme
funny texas meme – cowboys and horses

Something we do have, is lots of roadkill. Armadillos do line our Texas roads. Not all look like this. Sometimes people leave get well balloons.

meanwhile in texas meme
texas roadkill meme

And while you will see many funny Texas memes here, there is something you should know. Texas is a great state. It's very easy to poke fun at the shenanigans that happen here, but at the end of the day – a bad day in Texas is still better than a good day elsewhere.

a bad day in texas meme
a bad day in Texas is still better than a good day anywhere else

Texas is a HUGE state, with lots of character. Here are the funny Texas memes, facts and thoughts we are sharing:

  • Texas Weather Memes – the weather here be crazy, hot cold hot cold cold hot hot hot hot
  • Texas Seasons – what? we have seasons here?
  • Winter in Texas – do we have power? is it going to be 90 degrees or -5 degrees
  • Texas Spring – hello tornado season and rain for days. (see rain memes)
  • Texas Summer – bring on the Texas heat memes
  • Texas Fall – finally some relief, oh but there is that rain and flooding thing.
  • California Moves to Texas – and Texans declare don't California my Texas.
  • Texas Pride – do you know how to spot a Texan, just wait they will tell you.
  • Driving in Texas – our highways are like speedways, unless they are filled with traffic or road construction.
  • Austin, TX Memes – ATX is lovely, and very memeable.
  • Texas Food – we are talking texas bbq memes and all the yummy TX food.
  • Laws in Texas – let's just say Texas does things a little different than other states.
  • Texas Icons – from BIG Tex to Whataburger and Buccee's, lets talk Texas icons.
  • Texas Sucks Memes – for the anti-texas crowd, we welcome all plus these are too funny not to share.

Texas Weather Memes

Texas weather, y'all. It's crazy and bipolar. Here it can be 95 degrees one day, 40 the next day. We have hurricanes and tornadoes and flash flooding. It's great here, really.

texas seasons meme
welcome to texas meme – texas seasons be like

Texas Seasons

There really feels like there are only 2 Texas seasons. Yes, there are 4 – but typically the weather here is either hot or its cold. Sometimes we will get a nice day, but for the most part – hot or cold, feeling like summer and winter.

texas season meme
texas seasons meme

Winter in Texas

January, watch out – if it does get cold and people start using their heaters, we may run out of electricity because the Texas power grid sucks.

texas snow meme
texas snow meme

While we have shared Texas winter memes before, here are more Texas weather memes about our volatile weather situation here in the south.

Texas Spring Weather Memes

While April showers bring May flowers – Texas brings tornadoes. Texas spring weather is crazy. And there is nothing like a Texan who is outside during a Tornado Warning, trying to take video and photos of the tornado forming to post on Facebook.

texas tornado meme
funny texas tornado meme

From days of non-stop raining to flash flooding and tornadoes, you just never know what you are going to get here in the deep south (see hot weather memes).

praying for texas rain meme
texas rain meme

Texas Summer Memes

The Texas summer days are long and HOT. Oh, and did I mention humid. This Texas heat meme showing popcorn popping in a corn husk is way too relatable to how it feels on a hot Texas summer day. Did someone say summer memes? Yes, we got them.

texas heat meme popcorn
texas heat meme

Texas Heat Memes

Yes, it really does get hot here. One year, of course – I was pregnant that summer, talk about hell. We had over 100 days of 100 degree weather. See more hot weather memes.

santa texas heat meme
texas heat meme

Yes, candles like this can melt if you aren't blasting your air conditioner all summer long.

texas hot weather meme
meanwhile in texas meme – candles be melting

Texas Fall Memes

Fall in Texas is somewhat pleasant. October weather can be somewhat pleasant but there is rain and it's the Texas hurricane season. (Technically hurricane season is June 1 to November 30 per policygenius.)

texas rain meme
Deep in the heart of Texas flooding meme

Hence this Texas flooding meme.

texas flood meme
Not even flooding can stop Texas whataburger meme

Don't miss our entire collection of fall memes.

Texas Pride

If it's one thing you can say about us Texans, we love our state. These Texas pride memes are poking a little fun at the hilariousness that some of us TX residents exhibit. Just don't lump us all into this category please.

texas pride meme hold my beer
texas pride meme

I love my state, but it has major flaws. And while some would like to see Texas become it own country once again (read about when it was its own country because I am not going into that because I just want to talk and share funny Texas memes.)

greatest country in the world meme texas
texas country meme

How Big is Texas

In a time, not too long ago – Texas was the largest state. Some Texans seems to not understand that on January 3, 1959, President Eisenhower signs a proclamation admitting the territory of Alaska into the United States as the 49th and largest state. (source:

how big is texas meme
how big is texas meme

When he did this, President Eisenhower dethroned Texas of the largest state status.

texas map meme
texas map meme

Many Texans, just see the Texas map a bit different. That said, Texas is still HUGE and a lot more populated than Alaska.

size of texas meme

How big is Texas? Texas is 268,596 square miles. How many people live in Texas? 25.1 million people live in Texas according to the 2010 U.S. Census.

Driving in Texas Memes

If you have ever driven on a Texas highway, you will totally understand these driving in Texas memes!

tx dot road construction meme
tx dot meme

I-35 Memes

Interstate 35, or I-35 to us Texans is hell on Earth. This is the never ending road project from our friends at TX Dot. (TX DOT = Texas Department of Transportation) While us Texans may not agree on much, we can all agree that I35 is the worse!

texans meme
I35 meme – the road that is always under construction

I just Google News'd to see what is up with I-35, and guess what, more construction coming our way! This time another Austin tunnel.

texas i-35 meme
i35 meme

Californians Moving to Texas Memes

Over the last several years, 45,000 – 50,000 California residents have moved to Texas. (source: Rice University) That is a lot of migration and movement that some red members of our state are not too happy about.

california moving to texas meme
california to texas move meme

Californians moving to Texas meme – while I will welcome the California people to Texas, let's just say that not everyone shares my southern hospitality.

californians moving to texas meme
californians moving to texas meme

Don't California My Texas

A popular saying, especially in the Austin, TX area is Don't California My Texas .

dont california my texas
dont california my texas meme

The governor is recruiting the California based companies to our great state – in which they bring their employees. One example, of many is Tesla.

Many Texans fear that our state will undergo Californication. Meaning, Democrats moving in and taking over the government and creating inflation in the housing market. (too late for that last one.)

welcome to texas meme
welcome to texas meme – unless you are from california

Texas vs California Housing

In addition to the governor giving businesses huge tax perks, and the fact that our state is open during the pandemic (we will talk about that later) – Texas housing is more affordable than California housing.

california housing vs texas housing meme
Housing in Texas vs California meme

That's even with the crazy 2021 Texas housing market – and it's predicted TX house prices won't be coming back down anytime soon.

Austin Texas Memes

Maybe we can just blame all of this now on the Californians moving to Austin, TX for creating chaos on our roads! (I kid, it's always been crazy even before California arrived.)

austin texas traffic meme
austin texas meme – rush hour

Speaking of Austin, TX – since a large majority of the Californians are migrating to the Austin, TX area – affectionately known as ATX, here are Austin Texas memes.

austin texas starter pack meme
austin tx meme – Austin Texas Starter Pack

Learn about 30 fun things to do in Austin for families.

More Texas Memes

I told you there was a lot to laugh at Texas about. We are just getting started! Here are more funny Texas memes that Texans can relate to.

Texas Food

If you have visited Texas, you know the Texas food situation is legit. We do not mess around when it comes to calories. Chips, salsa and tacos followed by Whataburger, a steak and Texas BBQ. Let's not forget Texas pecan pie and Bluebell ice cream for dessert!

texas food pyramid meme
Texas food meme

You guys, eating healthy in Texas does not come easy!

Texas BBQ Memes

The Texas BBQ situation is real. So of course, Texas BBQ memes for those of you barbecue lovers.

dont mess with texas bbq meme
don't mess with texas bbq meme

People line up for hours to eat good Texas BBQ. In Fort Worth, TX – Texas BBQ joint, Goldee's Barbecue recently was named best BBQ in Texas by Texas Monthly.

texas bbq meme
texas bbq meme

After receiving the best TX BBQ nod, Goldee's sold out in hours! Want to try the best BBQ in TX? Head on out to Ft. Worth!

nothing beats texas bbq meme
nothing beats tx bbq meme

Goldee's Barbecue is located at 4645 Dick Price Road in Ft. Worth, TX. They are only open Friday, Saturday and Sundays and are open from 11am until sold out. Plan to wait in line, the day after crowned best BBQ in Texas, Goldee's sold out before they even opened their doors!

Texas Government

With all the good, comes the bad – and this is subjective when I say bad. The Texas laws be crazy, and for that we can thank our Texas government.

texas governor abbott meme
texas chuck norris meme

While currently, Texas is a republican state – many believe it is due to gerrymandering district lines. Governor Abbott just signed off on the new political maps for the state House and Senate, congressional delegation and State Board of Education. (see Texas Tribune)

Texas Gun Memes about the TX Gun Law

While these Texas gun memes are funny, there is nothing funny about the Texas gun law.

texas gun law meme
texas gun laws meme

On September 1, Texas enacted new Texas gun laws enabling open carry and no need for a gun permit. (source: Houston Public Media.)

texas gun meme - meanwhile in texas bullet dispenser
texas gun meme

Women's Rights in Texas

In regards to Women's Rights here in Texas. Governor Abbott has banned all abortions after 6 weeks.

texas womens rights meme
Texas womens rights memes

And offered bounties to anyone who turns people in that either have one or aid in helping someone get one.

womens rights texas meme
welcome to texas meme

This law will be heard by the supreme court to determine its legality. Welcome to Texas. Where a virus has more rights than women do.

Texas Open for Business

When the pandemic first hit, Texas did close businesses for a brief, but quickly began reopening with phase 1 on May 2, 2020.

texas stay home meme
texas open meme

And yes, this Buc-ees billboard during lockdown did exist. I told you, Texans are serious about their bbq.

texas lockdown meme buccees
bucees meme – risk it for the brisket

Greg Abbott Memes

There are a lot of unkind memes about Greg Abbott. As much sadness that his decisions are costing so many people – we go high when they go low.

greg abbott meme funny
greg abbott meme funny

None the less, there is still plenty of humor in these Greg Abbott memes because y'all – sometimes you have to laugh so you don't cry.

greg abbott meme reproduction rights
greg abbott meme reproduction rights

If only his gaslighting could be used as a heating source here in Texas. Please get out to vote in the November 2023 election.

greg abbott memes heres to you governor abbott if only your gaslighting could be used as a heating source in texas
greg abbott memes

Texas Icons

If you recognize the beaver logo from Buccees, IYKYK. There are a few places, such as Buccee's that are Texas icons. These are the things that you will only find here in the great state of Texas.

Bucees Meme

If you aren't familiar with Buc-ee's, it's a fancy gas station that started in Texas (and is slowly moving across the United States.) Bucee's is known for their clean bathrooms. Seriously, they are super clean and there are at least 50 bathroom stalls.

buccees meme
clean bathrooms at buc-ees meme

The catch is, they also have the most amazing snack road trip food section you will ever see. So good luck just using the Buc-ee's restroom and leaving without buying anything! (Their gift section is pretty amazing as well.)


While California has In N Out – Texas has Whataburger. The favorite burger of Texas that is open 24/7.

whataburger meme
texas whataburger meme – the way to a texan's heart


Remember the Alamo, nope – I don't. But I do know it's this rather small building that was completely boring to visit in San Antonio, TX. Maybe it is because I hated Texas History class, none the less it is a Texas icon.

alamo meme
whataburger alamo meme

State Fair of Texas

Every fall, the State Fair of Texas comes to Fair Park in downtown Dallas, TX. In 2012, the State Fair of Texas icon, Big Tex caught on fire. I know some don't find it funny, but this big tex meme, y'all. Speaking of Dallas, here are fun things to do in Dallas.

fbig tex meme state fair of texas fire
big tex on fire meme
  • Dallas Cowboys Memes – never underestimate the Dallas Cowboys!

Texas Sucks Memes

These Texas Sucks memes are for the haters. While I love our state, if I was born and raised elsewhere – I can see why so many might hate Texas.

texas sucks meme
texas sucks meme

Anti Texas Memes

And continuing the Texas hater trend, we have anti Texas memes.

texas sucks memes
anti-texas meme

Sponge Bob Texas meme

Ever wonder what the Sponge Bob Texas meme is about? Here it what we learned:

sponge bob texas meme
sponge bob texas meme

The Spongebob Texas episode comes from season one of the show. In the episode, Sponge Bob and Patrick are badmouthing the state their friend Sandy Cheeks is from. She tells the pair that she is going back home.

texas sponge bob meme
texas sponge bob meme

Yes, Sponge Bob and Patrick are calling Texas stupid.

Patrick and Spongebob get into a dialogue about the state and Spongebob morphs his square body into the shape of Texas and says: "Hey Patrick, what am I now?

To which Patrick replies: "Uhh, stupid?"

Prompting SpongeBob to say: "No, I'm Texas!"

Patrick then says: "What's the difference!" and both of them laugh.

The Sun

Share the Memes About Texas

Well there you have it. Our collection of hilarious and funny memes about Texas. Please either tag us on social @digitalmomblog or link back to

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